Intune Networks has developed a distributed switching system with ports hundreds of kilometres apart, that allows carriers to virtualise the connectivity in their networks, resulting in a step-change in efficiency.


Intune exhibits at SDN & OpenFlow World Congress, Europe's first SDN Knowledge Exchange
22-24th October 2012

Intune Networks exhibits at ECOC alongside MAINS and ADDONAS
17-20th September 2012

Telefonica I+D-Global CTO Unit completes testing of Intune Networks sub-wavelength switching system
4th September 2012

IT Industry Leader and Visionary, Hermann Hauser puts his weight behind Intune Networks
12th March 2012

Intune Networks annouces the commercial release of the Verisma product line
23rd May 2011


RCR Wireless Interview: Delivering Quality of Service
27th May 2011
Telecom TV Interview: John Dunne, CTO, Intune Networks
3rd Mar 2011
Optical Packet Switch and Transport
8th Sep 2010