Sub wavelength Networking Overview

Intune Networks has developed a distributed switching system with ports hundreds of kilometres apart, sub-wavelength networking allows telecom operators to scale their networks in a way that is simpler to operate, uses fewer components and can cope with highly dynamic traffic demands.


Intune Networks has created a sub-wavelength system that virtualises connectivity into a single distributed switch. It is an entirely new way of switching packets over long distances, creating an optical Ethernet switch fabric that can switch packets across hundreds of kilometres.


Intune's technology uses tuneable LASERs to switch packets optically and in real-time.


There are no 'nailed-up' paths in the system, so bandwidth is instantly available to any point in the system - enabling a simple and dynamic operating environment. And because there are no electrical switch ports consumed connecting L2/3 switches together,  the overall number of components is greatly reduced - reducing capex and opex costs.