Intune meets President Clinton

Intune showcased as an example of successful entrepreneurship

Intune Networks, was the only non-US company selected to meet 42nd US President W J Clinton at a small private meeting of business leaders in Derry.  In a wide ranging discussion on how to strengthen the NI economy and attract future investment, Intune Networks was represented by Chairman, Ian Jenks.

Intune outlined the benefits and opportunities that can be realised by companies who invest in the region to President Clinton.  Intune was showcased as an example of the growth that can be enjoyed by innovative, start up companies working in the Knowledge Economy on the island of Ireland. In particular, the company highlighted the opportunity for entrepreneurial, high tech, green organisations in Northern Ireland and cited the availability of highly skilled workers as well as the support of the agencies such as Invest NI as being instrumental in its growth and success.

Ian Jenks said, “We are delighted and proud to have been selected to meet with President Clinton and to be given the opportunity to share our views and experiences with him on the important issues of economic growth and development opportunities in Northern Ireland.  It was a great opportunity to highlight to an international audience the strength and potential of innovative organisations working in Northern Ireland’s Knowledge Economy who are driving growth and creating jobs.  Attracting both the right mix of FDI as well as putting in place the necessary supports to help nurture home grown companies in the right sectors is what is required in order to help the local economy compete at an international level.”

He went on to say, “Innovative companies like Intune are taking lessons learned in Silicon Valley to create new businesses that represent a sea change in the way the world views networking.  Companies like Facebook and Google are driving increased Internet traffic which is in turn spurring the need for new technologies like Intune's which are uniquely positioned to address the growing demand.”

Intune Networks founded in Dublin in 1999, currently employs 131 people and has design centres in Dublin and Belfast.  It opened its Belfast Centre in 2007 where it now employs 45 highly skilled staff.