Intune Networks meets HRH Queen Elizabeth

Intune Networks meets HRH Queen Elizabeth at Hillsborough Castle


Belfast, 26 October 2010 – Intune Networks were among a small group of business leaders who were invited to meet HRH Queen Elizabeth at Hillsborough Castle for a reception celebrating business excellence. The dinner reception was held during the Queen’s official October visit to Northern Ireland and was hosted by Invest Northern Ireland. Intune Networks were honoured by being included in a small group that shared a table with the Queen during the event.


Jayne Brady, Head of Intune Networks Belfast said, ‘We are very proud to have been selected to meet the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at such a prestigious event and to have been afforded an opportunity to share our business experiences with her. It was an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of economic growth, development opportunities and facilitating the right business structures which will help companies thrive in Northern Ireland.”


“The development of a knowledge based economy is very important for Northern Ireland and will help the local economy compete at an international level. Intune Networks is a company that developed by supplying expertise and specialist knowledge to many European and US organisations,” she continued.


The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh ended the first day of their visit to Northern Ireland as guests of honour at the Hillsborough event which was designed to introduce the Royal couple to emerging businesses at the cutting edge of their industries. The event was attended by various business and political leaders including the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Owen Paterson and the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Arlene Foster.


Intune Networks founded in Dublin in 1999, currently employs 131 people and has design centres in Dublin and Belfast. The company opened its  Belfast Centre in 2007 where it now employs 45 highly skilled staff.