Intune Announces Verisma iVX8000 Details

Dublin, 14th Jul 2010

Mobile packet traffic is forecasted to grow by a factor of ten in less than five years with video consuming more than 50% of projected new bandwidth growth. Normal growth challenges have been exacerbated by the recent proliferation of high powered mobile devices such as smart phones and netbooks which produce increasingly unpredictable data traffic patterns. This mobile growth is in addition to the doubling of packet based traffic every 18 months based on current and ever increasing new Web and Internet services.

Verisma solves this on-demand, unpredictable packet traffic problem. The unveiling of the product this year follows a 10 year journey of 10,000 hours of development and dedication by John Dunne and Tom Farrell who founded Intune Networks in Dublin in 1999. Both UCD graduates, they were researching tuneable laser technology in European funded programmes. Over the next 11 years, Intune developed and refined its technology and today is focussed on the telecoms equipment market where the next generation of digital service requirements such as quality of experience and high on-demand bandwidths are creating a new global opportunity which Verisma meets. Intune currently employs 120 people and has design centres in Dublin and Belfast.

Early versions of the products are already on trial with several large European operators having validated the core technology performance over the past 2 years. The product was first demonstrated in December 2009 with a live, high definition transmission of the Snow Patrol concert at the Other Voices festival in Dingle. Earlier this year, Intune was chosen to provide Verisma to a major EU research programme to design a future Telecoms Network for Cloud Computing and the Virtual PC as part of a consortium including national telecoms operators Telefónica in Spain and PrimeTel in Cyprus.
Tim Fritzley, CEO of Intune Networks said, “We’re delighted to unveil the brand name and product specifications that will be associated with solving the global challenge of increased on-demand data traffic in the telecoms industry. Verisma will help solve a problem that has been facing the telecoms industry for some time and which is getting increasingly critical. With mobile and internet traffic growing at exponential rates, existing network infrastructure can’t keep pace. Verisma will solve this problem by unblocking the bottle necks using its unique high speed laser tuning technology, doubling the performance at half of the cost while halving power consumption. Verisma also increases the potential utilisation of existing metro fibre networks from below 10% to above 80%. As a distributed Layer 2 packet switch Verisma can scale from 800Gbps to 64Tbps meaning it can not only meet the performance requirements for a single small Metro; but can massively scale to meet the performance requirements of a large, high density metropolitan area serving 10s of millions of fixed and mobile users.

“Prior to the revelation of the brand name and product specification publicly we have focused on building awareness of the technical capabilities of our technology. We are now moving into a new phase of our development as we proactively seek to market our patented product offering, Verisma, across the globe,” he concluded.

The Exemplar Network, the Irish Government’s open test bed site for companies to trial high speed network applications, will be built on the Verisma platform. Intune Networks unique technology was chosen by the Government last July as a key component for the development and roll out of the network in Ireland. The first phase of the development of the Network will see the establishment of a Control Network Facility in Parkwest, Dublin, with the rollout of the first phase of the Operational Network to follow later in the year.