IT Industry Leader and Visionary, Hermann Hauser puts his weight behind Intune Networks

12th March 2012, Dublin

Intune Networks, the Dublin based company whose technology allows for the flawless delivery of an exponentially increasing volume of digital content and services via existing optical fibre networks, is delighted to announce that Hermann Hauser, the veteran IT industry serial entrepreneur, investor and visionary has joined the Board as a non-executive director with immediate effect.  


Dr Hauser has watched the development of Intune Networks with close interest ever since Amadeus Capital Partners, the investment fund he co-founded, made an initial investment in the business in 2008. He believes the business, having proven its technology with key network operators, is now entering its commercial phase at a time when the need for its innovative fast tuning laser technology has never been greater.


Commenting on his appointment Dr Hauser said:


“It is rare that the emergence of a new technology coincides perfectly with its commercial opportunity. For Intune Networks this is the case as a result of the unique ability of its solutions to solve the traffic congestion challenges network operators are facing caused by the increasing volume of internet, mobile and cloud based information that is travelling across their fibre networks."


“I am delighted to have been invited to join the Board of Intune Networks. I look forward to working closely with the executive team to drive the rapid commercial development and deployment of Intune’s highly effective, efficient and cost reducing solutions across a global market base.”


Ian Jenks, CEO of Intune Networks commented:


“To have a person of Herman Hauser’s stature join our Board is a tremendous compliment to the business and a major endorsement of the substantial commercial value that resides in Intune’s world leading products and highly innovative technology."


“The rest of the Board and I welcome the immense commercial vision and insight that Dr Hauser will undoubtedly bring to Intune, based on his many years of success in creating and developing businesses based on innovative technology and turning them into highly profitable global enterprises with number one market positions in their sector.”