Launch of Exemplar Test-Bed

Parkwest Business Park Dublin 15th July 2010

On the 15th of July 2010, the Irish Department of Communications launches ‘Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy’ report. This ground-breaking report included 6 actions to help Ireland jump ahead of competitors in the digital economy. One of the actions promised was the development of the Exemplar Network. Today, Phase I of the Exemplar is up and running in its test bed facility in Parkwest, Dublin. Over 30 companies and institutions have signed up to use the Exemplar network to test their products and services and conduct research. These include: BT, Imagine, EMC, Celtix Connect, IBM, Smart Telecom, e|Net, Opennet, ESBTelecom and Firecomms. Four of Ireland’s universities UCC Tyndall, NUI Galway, UCD and DCU will use the facility, as will Science Foundation Ireland.