A Suite of Optical Network Testbeds for a Realistic Evaluation of MAINS’ Sub-Wavelength Switched Metro Network Architectures

This paper discusses the requirements and motivations for setting-up and utilizing two different optical fiber test-beds both of a Telecom Operator as well as the UEssex/JANET Aurora field fiber testbed for optical metro networks research within the EU ICT MAINS project. Using both test-beds the MAINS project aims to evaluate its proposed mesh-ring topologies which feature innovative sub-wavelength switching nodes. Different research and technology attributes are considered for evaluation over the research and real commercial environments. The paper illustrates how the first test-bed scenario is designed to experimentally analyze multi-technology interoperability both at the data and control planes and how the second test-bed scenario with the use of a virtual PC application over sub-wavelength switching ring network aims to validate the proposed solutions with real customers and obtain supportive statistics and performance measures.




Michael Georgiades
The Maritime Center

Jaime Fullaondo

George Zervas, Dimitra Simeonidou
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

Juan P. Fernández-Palacios
Photonics Networks

Mark Basham
Sales & Business Development