Cost Effective Sub wavelength Solution for Data Centre Location in Scaled Next Generation Networks

22nd June 2012

This paper summarises the modelling results obtained with a sub-wavelength optical packet switching technology, called OPST (Optical Packet Switch and Transport), when compared against an IPoDWDM solution. In particular, the impact of data centre location in the network on the network cost is studied for two architectures based on different technologies. Data centre location, routing strategies, service mix, traffic growth and subscriber service take-up is modelled to obtain a broad view about the cost sensitivities in these networks. The main contribution of the paper is to demonstrate that resilience to data centre location and changing traffic patterns enable the sub-wavelength packet optical solution to achieve cost savings of 150% when compared to the IPoDWDM approach. Such flexibility of the packet optical solution also enables 100-300% of power consumption cost reduction and an average 150% savings on rack cabinets for typical configurations.





Intune Networks, Dublin, Ireland:


Telefonica I+D, Madrid, Spain: